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How Do I Send and Upload Documents?

How to provide Embrace with your pet's medical records, additional information, and other documents.

How to Submit Documents Via MyEmbrace

1. Log in to your MyEmbrace customer account and select Send Documents from the Quick Links menu

Step 1 in submitting documents via MyEmbrace is to log in to your MyEmbrace customer account and select Send Documents from the Quick Links menu.

2. Choose Select Files to Upload

  • Select your document from your files

  • Accepted file types are: PDF, PNG, or JPEG.

  • Size limit for each document submitted is 50MB

Then click Select files to upload.

3. Select Submit

In this image, you can see the Submit button after your files have been uploaded.

Other Ways to Submit


  • Documents must be sent as attachments, not pasted in the body of the email.

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