We’re often asked if it’s better to wait until after a dog or cat has been spayed or neutered to insure them. It’s a great question. The answer is no and there are a few reasons why:
Enrollment Begins at Six Weeks
You can enroll your pets with Embrace Pet Insurance as young as six weeks old. It is highly unusual that your vet would be willing to spay or neuter a pet that young, so we absolutely encourage you to enroll as soon as you bring home your bundle of joy. Spaying and neutering is typically done when your dog or cat is at least six months old, so you’d be well out of your pet insurance waiting periods just in case something were to happen.
Young Pets Are Clumsy
Let’s face it, puppies and kittens are accident-prone – and we’re not just talking housetraining accidents. They’re still learning the difference between food and rocks and how to use those long, awkward legs. Plus, young pets aren’t immune to getting sick. Enrolling them early guarantees that you’ll have pet insurance with full coverage when you need it most. Which brings us to our next point…
The Younger They’re Enrolled, the More We Can Cover
It can’t be stressed enough that no pet insurance company offers pet insurance coverage for pre-existing conditions. The best way to avoid a condition being considered pre-existing is to insure your pet right away! Whether you’ve just picked him or her up from the breeder or rescued them from a shelter, give us a call to get started. As long as your pet hasn’t shown symptoms or has been diagnosed with something before enrollment, we’ve got you covered.
Does pet insurance cover spaying and neutering?
While pet insurance is for unexpected accidents and illnesses, Embrace offers Wellness Rewards† that reimburses for routine and preventative care, including the spay and neuter surgery, and can be purchased in addition to any insurance policy. Wellness Rewards covers:
Routine vet visits
Spay/neuter surgery
Flea, tick, & heartworm preventatives
Dental cleaning
& much more