Along with warmer weather and sunshine, watermelon is one of the things that people look forward to in the summer. It’s a sweet, refreshing treat that’s actually pretty healthy. As is often the case with something that we humans love, we want to share it with our canine companions, making us wonder—can dogs eat watermelon?
Can Dogs Have Watermelon?
We’re happy to report that watermelon is safe for dogs to eat, with some precautions, and the best part is that most dogs really like it. Not only will your pup likely go crazy when you offer them a little bit of watermelon, it can provide them with some healthy benefits.
Health Benefits of Watermelon for Dogs
Watermelon for dogs is more than just a sweet, tasty treat. It can give your dog much needed nutrients too. Some of the benefits include:
Hydration: Watermelon contains a lot of, you guessed it—water! Watermelon is over 90% water, in fact, which helps ward off dehydration, a potentially serious issue, especially in the warmer months.
Low in calories: The last thing most dogs need are extra calories. Fortunately, watermelon won’t burst your dog’s caloric bank as it has very few. It also is fat and cholesterol free.
Vitamins and minerals: The part of watermelon that isn’t water is packed with beneficial vitamins like A and C, and minerals like potassium and magnesium. All of these are important for many of your dog’s bodily functions.
Antioxidants: Watermelon for dogs also contains antioxidants to help combat chronic illnesses and promote healthy aging.

Precautions to Take When Feeding Watermelon to Dogs
Watermelon may be safe for dogs to eat, but don’t go overboard. Instead, follow some of these rules:
Feed Watermelon in Moderation
It may have lots of healthy nutrients, but watermelon also contains plenty of sugar, something that can cause an upset stomach, complete with vomiting and diarrhea. On top of that, diets high in sugar can contribute to weight gain and obesity.
No-no For Diabetic Dogs
Diabetic dogs or those with other sugar sensitivities shouldn’t have watermelon as it can negatively affect their blood sugar levels.
Remove Seeds and Rind
Both of these are hard to digest and can cause intestinal blockages. Gulping down a big hunk of rind can also be a choking hazard. Consider purchasing pet insurance early on if you have a dog that’s a gulper and eats things they shouldn’t as these can be potentially costly incidents that pet insurance can help cover.
How to Feed Watermelon to Dogs
Watermelon for dogs can be versatile. It can be fed as-is, cut into small, bite-sized chunks with the seeds and rind removed, or it can be pureed into a fruit smoothie for your furry pal. Watermelon can also be frozen in small chunks or pureed and frozen in ice cube trays. Get creative if you want! Your dog will be excited to eat watermelon no matter how it’s served.
Fruits Dogs Can and Cannot Eat
Safe Fruits for Dogs
Watermelon isn’t the only fresh treat your dog can enjoy; there are quite a few. So, if you’ve ever wondered can dogs have blueberries, can dogs eat pineapple or can dogs eat apples, we’re happy to say that they can. And here's a fun fact: while we're talking about healthy snacks, many pet owners ask can dogs eat green beans? Absolutely! They're a crunchy, low-calorie alternative to fruit that many dogs love. Other healthy fruits that your pup can enjoy include:
Raspberries, blackberries, cranberries
Cantaloupe, honeydew
Just make sure to only give these fruits in small amounts, and not too frequently. Remove any pits or seeds, rinds or skins first. Ask your veterinarian if you have any questions about other safe fruits for dogs.
Toxic Fruits for Dogs
While most fruits are safe and even healthy for dogs, there are some that are not. If your dog eats one of these, be sure to contact your veterinarian.
Grapes, raisins
Cherry, apricot, or peach pits
Green tomatoes
Safely Sharing Watermelon with Your Dog This Summer
Watermelon can make a great, occasional summertime treat for you and your dog. Just be sure to feed watermelon in small amounts and just a couple of times a week. Keep it off the menu for diabetic dogs and be sure to remove the seeds and rind first.
Who knew a summer staple could be so good for our furry friends? Watermelon is a win-win – a refreshing treat for your pup and a chance to bond over a healthy snack.