Think you know cats? Take this quick true/false quiz and test your feline knowledge
True | False | Cats are aloof and don't really care about their owners. |
True | False | Cats are impossible to train. |
True | False | Cats are nocturnal animals and are always most active at night. |
True | False | Cats only purr when they're happy. |
True | False | All cats hate water. |
True | False | Cats are low-maintenance pets. |
True | False | A cat's personality is entirely determined by its breed. |
Surprise! They're all false. While there's a grain of truth to some of these stereotypes, the reality of cat ownership is far more interesting. Some of the best cat breeds are natural cuddlers, some of the prettiest cat breeds demand attention, and even the most common cat breeds can master basic commands. Believe it or not, one of the nicest cat breeds out there loves to go swimming!
Each cat is a unique individual, with its own quirks and charms. It takes time to nurture that connection, to build trust and earn their affection. They may not always show their love in the same demonstrative way as dogs, but their love is deep and real.
Ready to find that kind of love? From the prettiest cat breeds to the ones known for playing nice with just about anyone, the cats on our list represent some of the best cat breeds. Let’s take a closer look!
Top All-Around Best Cat Breeds
It’s no coincidence that some of the most common cat breeds are also considered the prime examples of the species, too! One reason pet owners gravitate to certain cats is because these frisky felines are known for their overall good health. Fewer vet visits equate to fewer bills, and, in many cases, longer lifespans. Additionally, some breeds are famous for their pleasant and playful personalities.
Here are some cat breeds that even the most dyed-in-the-wool dog lover will find irresistible:
Maine Coon
Is there any breed that’s more enthralling than the majestic Maine Coon? Known for their large size and friendly nature, these enormous kitties are every bit the stereotypical gentle giant. Maine Coons can easily weigh 20 pounds or more, putting them big cat breeds list. These cats don’t just weigh as much as some dogs – they act like canines too! Remarkably vocal and intelligent, many Maine Coons can even play fetch and learn tricks.
If cats that act like dogs aren’t exactly your speed, the Ragdoll will surely win you over. This affectionate breed is renowned for its family-friendly qualities. A typical Ragdoll will quickly destroy your idea of the supposed cantankerous cat. These felines are exceptionally laidback and make suitable companions for humans who want calmness and tranquility around the home. Their name even comes from a particularly strong trait of nonchalance: going limp as a ragdoll when someone picks them up!
Cat fanatics often cast their votes for the Siamese as the best cat breed out there. A Siamese cat forms a strong bond with its owner, and they’ll show their attachment by vocalizing much more than many other breeds. They’re also great around children since these smarties like to play (but can also outwit kids when they need to escape to a quiet place in the house!).
British Shorthair
People who cite the British Shorthair as their favorite cat breed often express their appreciation for this cat’s appearance and personality. With an ultra-plush coat and cute round face, the British Shorthair has a visage that matches its calm, relaxed temperament. Another perk is that this breed can adapt to just about any type of household, making it a good fit for individuals and families alike.
Don’t care for felines that spend all day basking in the sun? The Bengal cat is a top pick for active pet owners. These playful kitties don’t just look like leopards – they act like them too! Bengals love playing and channeling their inner hunter, so they spend their days chasing after balls, toy mice, and whatever else they can get their paws on!

Most Popular Cat Breeds
Have you ever noticed that the most popular cat breeds change over time? Certain types of cats can become more sought-after in response to changing trends and preferences. Whether a particular cat breed has become internet-famous thanks to a meme or celebrity’s endorsement, you can expect that breed’s popularity to skyrocket!
It’s easy to see why Persian cats are so much in demand. With a full coat of long, luxurious fur, these felines are the perfect embodiment of elegance and grace. Their fame goes back to at least the 1600s and hasn’t diminished. They were even one of the first six breeds to be formally established by the Cat Fanciers’ Association in the early 1900s.
The Sphynx is well-known for an unusual reason: this breed is completely hairless. While you might think that means they’re hypoallergenic, keep in mind no cat is truly so. In fact, allergies are generally reactions to cat saliva, meaning their lack of fur is somewhat of a moot point. Still, the Sphynx is highly affectionate and loves curling up with their owner. Their bare skin tends to get cold, making them extra popular with pet parents who love a good snuggle!
Another popular cat breed that has stood the test of time is the Abyssinian. These beauties stand out from other felines thanks to their intense gold (or sometimes green) eyes that are full of curiosity. Owners like the fact that these cats are a little more independent than other breeds but are still loving pets.
Scottish Fold
The Scottish Fold’s reputation for being adorable comes from the breed’s distinctive folded ears and sweet personality. Celebrities such as Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift have reignited public interest in these cats. We should note that there’s still debate about whether their health problems are significant enough to stop breeding them in the future, but for now, they’re an exceptionally popular breed.
It’s not surprising that the Birman (also known as the “Sacred Cat of Burma”) is so well-liked among cat enthusiasts. Sociable and gentle, this breed is family-approved. Birmans have somewhat prominent nose bridges and long fur that can come in any pointed color. One particularly adorable quirk of this breed is that they look like they have gloves on each paw!
Nicest Cat Breeds for First-Time Cat Owners
If you’re bringing a cat home for the first time, it’s a good idea to choose a breed that’s known for being friendly and mild-mannered. The nicest cat breeds are usually the best fit for new pet parents since they’ll require the least maintenance and training. While we’ve already mentioned how the Maine Coon, Ragdoll, and Sphynx breeds fall into the affectionate category, there are plenty of other cats who are just as loving and sweet.
The typical Chartreux loves to be by its owner’s side and isn’t known for being as mischievous as some other breeds. In other words, you won’t find quite as many objects knocked off your coffee table! With woolly fur and bright orange eyes, these felines are as charming in appearance as they are in personality. Their build is somewhat muscular and it’s not unusual for a member of the breed to weigh around 16 pounds or so.
Another breed that’s a contender for nicest cat breed is the Burmese. These cats are a perfect fit for owners who don’t mind a cat that follows them around wherever they go! They are extremely affectionate and aren’t likely to cause trouble since they’re always looking to please. Kids gravitate to this medium-sized breed and, fortunately, the Burmese loves them back just as much!
You might first be drawn to a Tonkinese cat because of their lovely blue eyes, but their charm extends to their temperament, too. Very much a lap cat, a Tonkinese might even startle house guests by demanding pets from them upon first sight! This breed is even known to love dogs as much as other cats, making it the go-to selection for families with other pets.

Prettiest Cat Breeds
It’s true that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but there are some cats that frequently pop up on lists of prettiest cat breeds. These felines have distinctive traits that make them look deserving of places in royal portraits alongside a king or queen.
Many a Siberian cat owner will claim this breed is the official winner of the feline beauty pageant. With stunning long fur comprised of three layers, these cats are clearly built for surviving the harsh winter. That said, many now spend their days being pampered in the home and outwitting their owners with their unmatched intelligence.
Oriental Shorthair
The sleek appearance of the Oriental Shorthair is offset by their startlingly large ears which simply add to their appeal. This breed has its devoted fans who note the cat’s elegance and agility. Not only do they have impressive looks, but they are amazing athletes, too, constantly jumping and climbing.
With ancestry that boasts serval and domestic cat traits, the Savannah is notable for its brown spots and lanky frame. These cats are a relatively new hybrid and thus still retain some of their wilder instincts. Interestingly, these cats often love water, so don’t be surprised if you find yours heading to the bath every chance it gets!
Turkish Angora
Turkish Angoras are angelic in appearance, traditionally featuring white coats that make them resemble clouds more than your everyday feline. Their eyes are usually bright blue or green. You may even encounter a Turkish Angora born with heterochromia, a genetic condition that causes two different-colored eyes.
The Aegean breed hails from a group of islands in Greece called the Cyclades as well as the western part of Turkey. Unlike many of the other cats we’ve mentioned, these cats can claim their beauty is all natural, with zero interference from humans. They have almond-shaped eyes that appear to be rimmed with eyeliner while their coats can feature two or three colors.
Common Myths About the Best Cat Breeds
While several breeds are known as the best cat breeds, that doesn’t mean any breed is inherently “bad.” Just like humans, cats have their own personalities and even two of the same breed won’t be exactly alike. It’s important to clear up common misconceptions so that you know the truth when adding a cat to your family!
Here are some familiar myths about cats:
Cats don’t care about their owners. Dogs make it very clear they miss their owners, but do cats? Absolutely. Cats can be so attached to their owners that they get separation anxiety.
Cats can’t be trained. Most cats can be trained to use the litterbox. Some cats can even learn to fetch small objects, high-five their owners, or even walk on a leash around the neighborhood.
Cats can’t offer emotional support. Can cats be emotional support animals? Definitely! A feline friend can provide mental health benefits to their owner. Keep in mind that emotional support animals are different than service animals, who are trained to perform specific tasks.
The Best Cat Breeds Deserve the Best Care
Even cats that seem to have it all need to go for their checkups at the vet clinic! Keeping your pet up to date on their vaccinations and healthcare visits can add years to your pet’s life. For instance, ensuring your cat is spayed or neutered may double or nearly triple your cat’s lifespan.
Regular checkups can also help the vet catch signs of disease or other illnesses before they worsen. Remember: just because you purchase a popular cat breed from a reputable breeder, that doesn’t mean they won’t develop a health condition over time, unfortunately. It’s a good idea to protect any cat with a pet insurance plan to cover any accidents, illnesses, or conditions that might come up.
Getting insurance can give you peace of mind in the event of a medical emergency. No cat owner wants to forgo life-saving care for their pet because they can’t afford an operation or medication. Covering your cat with a policy as soon as possible is key to avoiding extra costs associated with preexisting medical conditions.
Investing in an optional wellness rewards for routine care is a smart move. It’s not insurance, but rather a way to budget for routine expenses like checkups, vaccinations, neutering, and more. This can especially be helpful for some of the prettiest cat breeds who need regular grooming!
To help you find a plan that works for your furry friend, Embrace offers free, customized quotes in under 30 seconds!
Consider What’s the Best Cat Breed for You
The best cat breed for one person may not be the best for another. Before committing to pet ownership, ensure you are a good fit for the breed and have time to tend to their unique needs. That splendid Siberian cat’s coat will need regular grooming, after all, just as that intriguing Savannah cat may need extra training to keep their behaviors in check.
And while breed is certainly a factor, it's not the whole story. The real magic lies in the unique personality of the cat who chooses you. After countless hours of research on the best cat breeds, you’ll realize the best cat always happens to be the one snoozing in your lap!