Help HubClaim InformationClaim InformationHow to submit and review claims, appeals, and pre-certification.Submitting ClaimsHow do I Submit a Claim?How do I Submit a Claim? Step-by-step instructions on how to submit claims. Submitting claims through your customer account online or in the Embrace Pet Insurance app is the fastest way – plus, it d...What Should I Expect When Submitting My First Claim?What Should I Expect When Submitting My First Claim? What’s needed, how you’ll be notified, and what you can expect. What’s Required for My First Claim? Note: If you submit claims outside of online...Processing ClaimsWhere Do I Find My Explanation of Benefits, and What Does It Tell Me?Where Do I Find My Explanation of Benefits, and What Does It Tell Me? How to find and review your Explanation of Benefits in your MyEmbrace customer account. What Your Explanation of Benefits Tells Y...What Is the Reimbursement Process for Embrace Claims?What Is the Reimbursement Process for Embrace Claims? Everything you need to know about getting your reimbursement. Unlike human health insurance, Embrace Pet Insurance does not work within networks a...What Are Some Reasons Why a Claim Might Be Placed "On Hold"?What Are Some Reasons Why a Claim Might Be Placed "On Hold"? These are common reasons claims are delayed. Missing Full or Partial Invoice Missing Diagnosis or Reason for Visit Missing Medical Rec...How Long Does It Take for Embrace to Process Claims, and What Are the Claim Statuses?How Long Does It Take for Embrace to Process Claims, and What Are the Claim Statuses? How long you can expect claims to process and what the processing status means. Processing Times Note: Your if ...AppealsHow Do I Appeal a Claim Decision?How Do I Appeal a Claim Decision? What an appeal is and how to submit. What is an Appeal? An appeal is a process that you can submit to have claim or decisions reassessed if you feel they are inco...Pre-CertificationsWhat Is Pre-certification, and How Do I Submit It?What Is Pre-certification, and How Do I Submit It? How to submit a pre-certification via your MyEmbrace customer account. What is Pre-certification? Pre-certification is a review of an itemized estim...Get a Quote