Beaglier: Beagle & Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Mix

A Beaglier lying on grass with a tennis ball, showcasing the adorable features of a beagle and cavalier mix. The beaglier, also known as a beagle cavalier mix or cavalier beagle mix, is known for its affectionate and playful nature.

Pet lovers who are fans of the Beagle and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel are in luck! In recent decades, breeders have crossed these two cherished breeds, resulting in the charming Beaglier. This Beagle-Cavalier King Charles Spaniel mix incorporates the beloved qualities of both parent breeds and packages them in pint-sized form. 

Beagliers are some of the friendliest and most playful pups around, and you’ll be hard-pressed to find better companions. These little furry friends are right at home with kids, seniors, and everyone in between! Keep reading to learn more about the amazing Beagle-Cavalier mix and why they’re sure to win you over in no time at all. 

Quick Beaglier Facts  

  • Name: Beaglier, Beagalier, Beagelier 

  • Origin: Australia  

  • Size: 13-30 pounds, approximately 12-16 inches at the shoulder 

  • Lifespan: Around 10-12 years but can live longer 

  • Appearance: usually have short, smooth coats featuring black, white, and brown or a combination of these colors 

  • Temperament: very friendly, sweet, loving, loyal  

  • Compatibility: great for most families, including those with kids 

  • Intelligence: average intelligence 

  • Exercise & Energy: moderate energy levels   

  • Grooming Needs: most need weekly brushing, but some can require daily brushing  

  • Training: may need extra support with housetraining  

  • Health: at risk for heart and joint issues 

  • Highlights: social, playful, curious, compact size 

Who Would Love a Beaglier? 

  • Apartment dwellers: The Cavalier-Beagle mix does wonderfully even in small spaces like apartments thanks to their petite frames. 

  • Less active individuals: While Beagliers need some exercise, they aren’t as energetic as breeds like the Siberian Husky or Border Collie. 

  • Small families: These pups make fantastic companions for just about anyone, including single or elderly individuals. 

  • Experienced pet parents: Their Cavalier King Charles Spaniel heritage can make them a bit difficult to housetrain, so prior experience with dogs is helpful. 

  • Social owners: Beagliers are always looking to make friends, so extroverted pet parents will have plenty of opportunities to meet other dog lovers! 

What Do Beagliers Look Like?  

Beagliers are one of the most innocent-looking breeds around. Like other mixed breeds, they can vary somewhat in their appearance, but the typical Beaglier has dark, mournful eyes with long, floppy ears. Many Beagliers have thin, slightly curved tails that evoke their Beagle side. Some Beagliers’ tails may even be white at the tip, another nod to their Beagle roots. 

How Big Do Beagliers Get? 

When a Beaglier is fully grown, they can reach around 30 pounds. However, since Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are technically a toy breed, it’s not unusual for a Beaglier to be half as large, reaching only 15 pounds or so. They can be quite low to the ground, sometimes standing only 12 inches at the shoulder. 

What is a Beaglier’s Coat Like?  

Most Beagliers have short, smooth coats that resemble those of their Beagle family members. Dogs with more Cavalier-influenced coats will have some wave to their fur which will also likely be a bit longer. Beagliers aren’t known for being prolific shedders, but they’re also not considered hypoallergenic. Allergy-sufferers should take note of this. Beaglier coat colors usually include the white, black, and brown seen on Beagles or the Cavalier’s Blenheim (white and chestnut) markings. 

What is a Beaglier’s Temperament Like? 

A Beagle-King Charles mix is almost always exceptionally agreeable. They’re not considered an aggressive breed by any stretch of the imagination, and in fact, may very well introduce themselves to much larger dogs without a second thought. Their calm, pleasant nature makes them especially suitable for individuals who want a lap dog that’s okay with spending hours on the couch. Bear in mind that Beagliers are very social and need to be around their humans, so don’t expect them to entertain themselves most of the time. 

Do Beagliers Have Friendly Personalities? 

A quintessential Beaglier dog is incredibly friendly, always looking for a new pal whether it’s a human or animal one. Their affectionate nature makes them ideal for people who don’t just want a dog around but want a best friend for life! These little guys are super playful, too, so don’t be surprised if they romp around the living room and chase after toys at all hours of the day (or night!). 

Are Beagliers Good Pets for Children? 

For the most part, yes, Beagliers make lovely pets for families with little ones. Not only do their cheerful dispositions make them good fits for kids, but a full-grown Beagle-King Charles mix will never be as large as some breeds such as the Wolfhound or Leonberger. Even sweet, tame Golden Retrievers can grow to be 70 pounds, a significant weight when bounding around the backyard with a toddler. In contrast, Beagliers, especially ones on the smaller end, are the perfect size for kids. One thing to keep in mind though is that very young children need to be monitored carefully around tiny dogs. They can unintentionally trample them. Even one wrong step could hurt a Beaglier’s delicate paws. 

Will a Beaglier Get Along with Other Pets? 

Most Beaglier owners find that their pup does just fine around other dogs in the household. They’re also known for getting along with felines, which is not always the case for many dog breeds. For the best chance of your pets developing a successful relationship, introduce them slowly. Socializing your Beaglier with other animals as early on as possible can help them understand how to make friends (not enemies!). 

How Do You Care for a Beaglier? 

As with any dog, caring for a Beaglier requires more than leaving out a bowl of food and water and giving them access to a doggy door. Responsible pet owners carefully monitor the amount and type of food their dog is consuming to ensure they have a well-balanced diet that isn’t too high or low in calories. Since Beagliers are so small, overfeeding them is more likely than underfeeding. Owners should also be ready to devote time each week to maintaining their Beaglier’s coat. They should also be willing to take on the responsibility of walking their dog multiple times a day to keep them active. 

How Do You Groom a Beaglier?  

Most Beagliers need minimal grooming since they have short fur that’s smooth rather than woolly. For these pups, a weekly brushing is usually sufficient in addition to a bath once a month or so. However, some Beagliers inherit the Cavalier’s medium, wavy coat. If your dog has this type of fur, you’ll likely need to brush the coat once a day to keep it healthy and tangle-free. 

Are Beagliers Easy to Train? 

Although Beagles are known for being intelligent, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are better known for relying on their cute looks instead of brains. This means you may have a more difficult time housetraining your Beaglier. Start training when they’re still a puppy so they quickly learn the appropriate place to eliminate. Don’t forget to reward your pup with treats or praise every time they get things right! 

How Much Space Does a Beaglier Need? 

One of the biggest selling points of a Beaglier is the fact that they’re relatively small. This mixed breed doesn’t need a ton of room, and they’ll do just fine in most homes regardless of the size. Even though they’re not usually the type of dog that will be bouncing off the walls with energy, you still need to take them outside a few times a day to get some exercise and sunshine. 

What Should a Beaglier Eat?  

It can be tempting to feed your pet table scraps, especially when they’ve got the puppy dog eyes of the Beaglier! However, it’s always best to stick to feeding them only food that’s specially designed for canines. If you’re giving them kibble, make sure the pieces are small enough for their tiny jaws and teeth. Some breeds of little dogs, including Cavaliers, are known for having obesity issues. Consult with your pup’s veterinarian if you notice they’re having a hard time maintaining a healthy weight. 

Full-grown Beaglier, a beagle and cavalier mix, sitting on grass in a natural setting. This beagle cavalier mix, also known as a cavalier beagle mix, displays the classic traits of both breeds with its sleek coat, floppy ears, and alert posture. The Beaglier is a popular hybrid breed, ideal for families, combining the loyalty of a beagle with the gentle temperament of a King Charles Cavalier.

Are Beagliers Healthy Dogs? 

Unfortunately, dogs that are a King Charles Spaniel-Beagle mix are prone to certain medical problems. To increase your chances of adopting a healthy dog, only purchase Beagliers from reputable breeders whose dogs are known for having excellent health. Purchasing pet insurance as early as possible can make those frequent check-ups at the veterinarian more affordable. With virtually any medical problem, catching the problem early on will make your dog more comfortable faster, and in some cases, can even reverse the issue. 

What Health Issues Commonly Affect Beagliers? 

Beagliers are at risk for a couple of medical problems due to their Beagle and Cavalier genetics. The list below features some of the more common issues they experience. 

Hip Dysplasia 

Beagles, and subsequently Beagliers, are susceptible to developing this painful condition marked by a malformation of the hip socket. Hip dysplasia can be painful, especially in older dogs. Surgery such as total hip replacements can be very successful, although this type of medical intervention is often quite expensive. 

Mitral Valve Disease 

Sadly, Cavaliers are known for inheriting mitral valve disease, also known as endocardiosis. This issue affects two of the heart’s valves, sometimes leading to fainting or even heart failure. Some dogs are fine when taking regular medication, but others need special low-sodium diets and exercise restrictions to combat it. 


Cavaliers are also at risk for another heart problem called cardiomyopathy. The most common type for dogs to get is called dilated cardiomyopathy and occurs when the heart muscles can’t contract correctly. Dogs can collapse unexpectedly and even develop congestive heart failure over time. Medications including diuretics and beta blockers can help the heart function better. 

Do Beagliers Need Pet Insurance? 

Because Beagliers are predisposed to a handful of life-threatening conditions, investing in pet insurance for your dog could be a great financial decision. Getting in your dog insurance early on is one way of investing in your sweet pup and making sure that you can handle any medical issues that come up. Adding an optional wellness plan to your policy can help you budget for wellness visits, vaccinations, and even training to keep your Beaglier healthy from the start. To get a customized pet insurance quote from Embrace, simply fill out a few questions about your Beaglier! 

Where Did Beagliers Come From?  

No one knows for sure when and where the first Beaglier came into existence. The most likely timeframe for the breed’s widespread emergence is the 1990s, when Australian breeders began crossbreeding the Beagle and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Like other so-called “designer dogs,” Beagliers have increased in popularity as more breeders began offering the pups for sale. 

As with other mixed breeds, Beagliers aren’t yet considered an official dog breed according to the American Kennel Club. This doesn’t make these adorable companions any less lovable, though! 

How Can You Get a Beaglier? 

Although Beaglier breeders are becoming more prevalent across the United States and elsewhere, that doesn’t mean getting one of these dogs is as simple as purchasing the first one you find. No one wants to accidentally support a puppy mill. If you’re not familiar with the term, a puppy mill is an unethical breeding facility that churns out as many dogs as possible for little cost to the breeder. They’ve become far too common in recent decades, and unfortunately, they’ve put Beagliers and other breeds at risk for disease and abuse. Before buying a dog, research breeders and tour their facility yourself. 

Ensure the dogs have ample room to move and play and that they also have access to food and clean water. Don’t forget to read through reviews of former customers. Finally, don’t trust a breeder that says their dogs won’t have health issues in the future, as no one can say so for sure. This can be a red flag that a breeder is simply out to make a quick buck! 

Beaglier Frequently Asked Questions 

How big is a full-grown Beaglier? 

Fully grown Beagliers usually weigh somewhere between 13 and 30 pounds. It’s impossible to predict a dog’s size exactly when they’re still a puppy, but the dog’s parents can give a good indicator of a Beaglier’s future size. 

Are Beagliers good family dogs? 

Yes! Beagliers usually make fantastic pets for families. Younger children who are taught how to safely play with a small dog like the Beaglier usually find them to be excellent companions. Of course, all play between kids and dogs should be monitored. Compact-sized dogs are more at risk for accidental trampling since their frames are so fragile. 

What is the temperament of a Beaglier dog? 

It’s hard to find a more sociable breed than the Beaglier! Thanks to their Beagle and Cavalier lines, these dogs are predisposed to making friends everywhere they go. They’re small enough to not be seen as a threat by most other animals. These pups are also fairly adaptable and can go from relaxing on the couch to running around the dog park without a problem. 

Do Beagliers shed? 

Yes, Beagliers shed. While they’re not as hypoallergenic as a Poodle or Maltese, they also don’t shed as much as some other breeds. Brushing your dog outside once a week can help loosen the fur and minimize the amount that is left behind in your home. Bathing your dog regularly can also help fend off those tumbleweeds of fur blowing across your floor. 

Do Beagliers bark a lot? 

Although Beagles are known by some for being avid barkers, Beagliers don’t always inherit that behavior, thankfully. That said, remember that all dogs are different, and some will bark more than others. To minimize excessive barking, make sure your Beaglier gets plenty of physical and mental exercise. Regular walks around the apartment complex and puzzle toys are excellent ways to meet these needs. 

What is the life expectancy of a Beaglier dog? 

Beaglier dogs can be expected to live 10-12 years or even longer. Their health can play a big role in determining how long your Beaglier will be around. That’s why it’s essential to stay on top of vet visits and keep your dog up to date on their vaccinations. Additionally, grooming your dog frequently can minimize skin infections while brushing their teeth can cut down on dental problems. These seemingly minor issues can escalate into major health problems if not addressed.