Have you ever heard the phrase “morning breath?” You wake up with a grimy feeling in your mouth and all you want to do is brush your teeth. Believe it or not, your pet’s teeth also need cared for to keep them healthy.
Periodontal disease affects the tissues surrounding the teeth and can even cause early tooth loss in both humans and animals. It can be linked to heart, liver, and kidney issues. Symptoms include gums that are red, white, or swollen, brown tartar on their teeth, excessive drooling, loose teeth, and especially bad breath to name a few.
By age three, 80% of dogs and 70% of cats have some form of periodontal disease. Don’t wait until it’s too late. One of the easiest ways to prevent this disease from spreading in your four-legged friend’s mouth is to take preventative dental action.
Ways to Keep Those Molars Magnificent
Regular brushing with toothpaste made for pets.
Ideally your canine companions and feline friend’s teeth should be brushed daily, but don’t beat yourself up if that doesn’t happen. If you’re not able to do it every day, you should make it a habit to brush several times a week. Puppies and kittens are easy to train to tolerate this, but that doesn’t mean an older dog or cat can’t learn a new trick. Just be patient with them and give lots of rewards.
Speaking of rewards, there are treats that are specifically formulated for oral hygiene.
On the days where brushing might not be possible, or during the training process, reward your pet with these special treats.
Using water supplements to freshen breath and fight germs.
This method is great for everyday preventative use, but does not take the place of brushing and chew toys. Think of this like using mouthwash. It freshens and leaves a clean feeling between brushing, but it doesn’t actually brush the junk away.
Regular veterinary visits to check all your pet’s systems, including their gums and teeth.
Your veterinarian knows what to look out for and when to recommend a full dental cleaning.
By taking these simple preventative care steps you are helping your pets avoid the effects of this progressive disease.
Did you know? Embrace Wellness Rewards reimburses for dental cleanings, exams, and treats.
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