Insuring Your Pet in Illinois

Get pet insurance personalized to your budget with coverage at every neighborhood vet from Chicago to Peoria, Naperville to Springfield, and everywhere else throughout the Prairie State and beyond.

Why We Recommend Pet Insurance if You Live in Illinois

We don’t have to tell you that Chicago and surrounding areas can be a pricey place to live – and the vet bills certainly follow suit. Pet insurance ensures that you can afford to give your best friend the best care no matter the cost.

Here Are Some of the More Common Fears We Hear From Our Illinoisan Pet Parents:


The Illinois landscape varies greatly from rural farmland, to bustling suburbs and busy metropolitan areas. No matter where you are in the state, pets and traffic can make for dangerous situations. If ever faced with one, pet insurance allows you to think about getting the quickest and best care for your pet instead of if you’ll even be able to afford it or not.


These pesky flying insects are host to parasites and diseases that can be spread to your pet pal. Many of our Illinois pet parents (quite a few who live near the water, in fact,) take advantage of our Wellness Rewards to help with the costs of preventative medications.

Unexpected Accidents & Injuries

Unexpected accidents lurk just around the corner – from slipping on ice, ingesting something toxic, or swallowing a toy. You certainly can’t plan for the unexpected, but you can always be prepared with pet insurance.

Ready to Protect Your Pet?

Call (800) 779-1539

How Much Does Pet Insurance Cost in Illinois?

Personalize a policy for your best bud (and budget) by picking your deductible, your annual maximum, and your reimbursement percentage. The cost of a pet insurance policy varies by breed, Zip Code, and a few additional factors.

Below are a few estimates to give you a better idea of what pet insurance might cost in Illinois.

Dog Mixed Breed1$30-$40 per month
Dog Golden Retriever3$35-$45 per month
Dog Labrador Retriever5 $45-$55 per month
CatDomestic Shorthair3$20-$25 per month

Estimates based on quotes by Embrace Pet Insurance

What All is Covered by Pet Insurance in Illinois?

Embrace’s comprehensive pet insurance covers accidents, injuries, illnesses, and a whole lot of ruff stuff. Details of our coverage can be found here.

  • checkmark icon used as a list bulletIllnesses
  • checkmark icon used as a list bulletChronic Conditions
  • checkmark icon used as a list bulletDental Accidents and Illnesses
  • checkmark icon used as a list bulletConsultations & Tests
  • checkmark icon used as a list bulletAccidents & Injuries
  • checkmark icon used as a list bulletProcedures & Treatments
  • checkmark icon used as a list bulletFollow-Up Care
  • checkmark icon used as a list bullet& So Much More