Pet Insurance Coverage in Colorado

Avoid the mountain of vet bills with pet insurance in Colorado personalized to your budget with coverage at every neighborhood vet from Boulder to Vail, Aurora to Grand Junction, Colorado Springs to Fort Collins, and everywhere else throughout the Centennial State and beyond.

Why We Recommend Pet Insurance if You Live in Colorado

From its pristine lakes, majestic mountains, and abundance of wildlife, few places are as stunning as the State of Colorado. Home to several national parks and natural wonders, your options for outdoor activities are nearly endless. However, these outdoor adventures can increase the risks of certain dangers to your dogs and cats.

While there are always preventative measures you can take to keep your pets safe, accidents will happen. And with the best pet insurance in Colorado, you can ensure your pet gets the best care regardless of the price of the vet bill that follows. Learn more about our pet insurance with our coverage FAQs and customer stories.

Here Are Some of the Most Common Fears We Hear From Our Coloradan Pet Parents:


Known to live in many areas of Colorado state – including urban locations – coyotes can be predatory and territorial in nature. In fact, one of our Embraced cats, Maxine, was attacked by a coyote on her own deck.

Other Wildlife

Many species of wildlife call various regions of Colorado home. While you probably won’t encounter large game during a walk through Cheesman Park, moose and elk can be found on the trails of many national parks throughout the state. When dogs chase wildlife, they can be easily injured by a territorial animal of their stature. They can also run off trail, which increases a dog’s risk of exposure to ticks and rattlesnakes.


Colorado is home to two species of rattlesnakes: the prairie rattlesnake and the massasauga. Rattlesnake envenomation requires immediate emergency intervention, and depending on the of injury, treatment can cost anywhere from hundreds to thousands of dollars.


Much of Colorado’s high country meets the criteria ticks love to inhabit. Hiking in heavily wooded areas or areas with taller grass means running into a tick (or few) is inevitable. Some of the diseases that ticks carry can be challenging (and expensive) to treat.

Blue-green Algae

Colorado’s many bodies of water and beautiful hiking places are the perfect spots for your dog go for a dip. But blue-green algae is common throughout the state because of the sporadic temperatures – and it can be deadly to dogs.

Unexpected Accidents

Unexpected accidents lurk just around the corner – from slipping on ice to ingesting something toxic. You certainly can’t plan for the unexpected, but you can always be prepared for them with pet insurance.

How Much Does Pet Insurance Cost in Colorado?

Personalize a policy for your best bud (and budget) by picking your deductible, your annual maximum, and your reimbursement percentage. The cost of a pet insurance policy varies by breed, Zip Code, and a few additional factors.

Below are a few estimates to give you a better idea of what pet insurance might cost in Colorado.

Dog Mixed Breed1 $30-$40 per month
DogGolden Retriever3$35-$45 per month
Dog Labrador Retriever5 $45-$55 per month
Cat Domestic Shorthair3 $20-$25 per month

Estimates based on quotes by Embrace Pet Insurance

Ready to Protect Your Pet?

Call (800) 779-1539

What All is Covered by Pet Insurance in Colorado?

Embrace’s comprehensive pet insurance in Colorado covers accidents, injuries, illnesses, and a whole lot of ruff stuff. Details of our coverage can be found here.

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  • checkmark icon used as a list bulletChronic Conditions
  • checkmark icon used as a list bulletDental Accidents and Illnesses
  • checkmark icon used as a list bulletConsultations & Tests
  • checkmark icon used as a list bulletAccidents & Injuries
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