Most Common Pet Insurance Terms
Complementary Treatments* These are less traditional approaches to veterinary care, including hydrotherapy, acupuncture, physiotherapy, chiropractic, and more, and are sometimes referred to as alternative therapies Not all pet insurance plans cover complementary treatments and some offer them only as an additional rider to your pet’s policy. Embrace covers complementary treatments on every policy, for every covered condition.
Annual Limit or Annual Maximum The maximum amount the pet insurance company will reimburse you per pet in a period of insurance. The annual maximum does not include the deductible and copay amounts you pay.
Benefit Schedule The reimbursement limit that certain pet insurance companies put on treatments and procedures. This is a very limiting practice as it does not usually cover what you pay. Embrace does not use a benefit schedule, we work directly off of the vet bill’s actual charges.
Bilateral Condition A condition or disease that affects both sides of the body. Embrace does not exclude coverage for bilateral conditions as long as the initial condition is not a pre-existing condition.
Breed-specific Condition A condition that presents itself in certain breeds more than others. Many companies will not cover these, or limit the coverage, if you have a pure breed dog or cat. Embrace does not exclude coverage for them.
Copay The percentage of the covered allowable charge for which you are responsible per pet. This is not reimbursable under your policy. See also: reimbursement percentage
Deductible The amount you pay per pet for treatments covered by the policy before the pet insurance company begins to reimburse you. Embrace has an annual deductible, meaning you only have to pay it once per policy year. Many companies have a per-incident deductible, meaning you have to pay it for each incident or condition
Explanation of Benefits An itemized description of covered and not-covered charges of a veterinary bill. This is available for each claim that is processed.
Lifetime Limit The maximum amount your insurance will reimburse you over the lifetime of your pet. Embrace does not have a lifetime limit.