Does Pet Insurance Cover Prescription Food for Dogs and Cats?

Does your pet eat like royalty while you're eating ramen? Between the vet and the specialty food, you might be thinking about picking up a second job! But there might be a better option. Does pet insurance cover prescription food?

Traditional pet insurance does not cover prescription pet food, but don’t worry!  There are some tools to help you budget to get your pet the food they need. Let us walk you through the ins and outs of pet insurance coverage for prescription food.  

Understanding Prescription Pet Food

Your vet might recommend a prescription pet food for a variety of reasons. These specialized diets are formulated to address specific health needs, either by including beneficial ingredients that support a particular condition or by excluding ingredients that could exacerbate existing health issues.

Does a Wellness Plan Reimburse for Prescription Food?

While standard pet insurance policies don't cover prescription food, there's a great alternative that can help you manage the ongoing cost: a wellness plan. This optional add-on to your pet insurance policy is designed to help you budget for routine and preventative care—including those essential prescription diets.

Wellness plans work by reimbursing you for eligible expenses. This allows you to spread out the cost of things like checkups, vaccinations, flea and tick prevention, and yes, prescription food, over the year. Instead of facing a big bill every time you need to refill that special kibble, you can submit a claim for reimbursement through your wellness plan, making it much easier to fit into your budget. Wellness plans offer a predictable, manageable way to budget for routine care, including those pricey prescription diets.

Pet Insurance + Wellness Rewards for Your Pet’s Prescription Food Needs

Just like we want the best for ourselves, we want the best for our pets. And sometimes, "the best" means a specialized diet. Ramen for you, royalty for your pet? It doesn't have to be that way! Combined with a wellness plan to help manage routine costs like prescription food, you can create a comprehensive pet insurance plan that ensures your furry friend receives a lifetime of love, protection, and the very best care.

Get your pet insurance quote now and your wellness plan could start today!