Emergency pet insurance and veterinary specialty care coverage
Just like human medicine, veterinary care is constantly advancing – including emergency rooms, urgent care, and veterinary care specialists. Embrace Pet Insurance offers emergency pet insurance and specialty pet care so you can rest easy knowing your pet is covered for unexpected accidents and illnesses.

Why insurance coverage for emergency and specialty veterinary care matters
Veterinarians at emergency and specialty hospitals are specialized, so it costs more to be seen and treated by them – the consultation and exam fee alone is often $100 or more. Embrace includes the options to add consultation and exam fee coverage in your policy with emergency vet insurance.
Embrace does not require you to have a referral for specialist care. There are no networks, so you’re free to use whichever vet that you choose.
Types of Veterinary Specialists
There are many types of veterinary specialists out there, and new ones being introduced as vet care advances. With Embrace, your pet is covered for:
Emergency & urgent care hospitals
Orthopedic specialists
Internal medicine experts
Rehabilitation, physical therapy, & hydrotherapy facilities
And more
Embrace Pet Insurance does not cover pre-existing conditions or injury/illness that results from a pre-existing condition. Pet insurance that covers pre-existing conditions depends on whether your pet’s pre-existing condition is curable or not. Insuring your pet with emergency pet insurance before an accident or illness happens is the best way to make sure you’re covered for the unexpected.
Contact Embrace Pet Insurance if you have any questions or want to get dog health insurance or other types of pet insurance.