Ringo's Story

Ringo the American Bulldog rescued again.
Vet Bill: $4,310
Ringo was a stray who found his way into a shelter where he was adopted. Although he had only recently found a new home, he had already settled into his new life. Sadly it seemed that his rough stretch was not yet over.
One day, very suddenly, Ringo was unable to get up or walk. His veterinarian found that he had numerous orthopedic illnesses, including hip dysplasia, degenerative joint disease, and spondylosis. Ringo's best chances for recovery would include surgery and rehabilitation. A Femoral Head Ostectomy was performed to alleviate the pain associated with his hip dysplasia. Then, Ringo underwent further weekly rehabilitation and physical therapy to help him regain his strength and mobility.
Ringo's mom wrote:
"It was a very horrifying experience. Two weeks later our Ringo had to have a bilateral FHO. So far everyone has been amazing. They have kept me calm and collected. If it weren't for Embrace this experience would have ranked with the worst in my life. Thank you again, for being so helpful through out this whole process. I honestly don't know what I would have done had I not had insurance, and a very helpful person to talk to about all of it. I still think Ringo is a little sad about not going back [to therapy], he loved it there. They have "water sessions" that we are thinking of doing once a month or something."
Ringo's Claim Refund
Claim Details | Amount |
Actual Vet Bill | $4,310.31 |
Covered Charges | $4,310.31 |
Annual Deductible | $200.00 |
Copay | $822.06 |
Total Embrace Reimbursement | $3,288.25 |