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Pet Insurance Claims Stories - Illness & Disease Claim StoriesChevron Right
Upset Stomach

Boeing's Story

This cute golden retriever leaning on to its human wearing glasses suffered from an upset stomach and was sent to the vet, luckily they have Embrace Pet Insurance.

Vet Bill: $2,643

The Story of Boeing

Sheri H. and her family took a fun family trip that landed their 2-year-old Golden Retriever , Boeing, in the emergency room when they got back. She shared her experience with us:

"A few years ago on vacation, Boeing's food schedule wasn't maintained. When Boeing isn't fed on time, he tends to get gastroenteritis.

When we came home, he had to stay in the pet hospital for a couple days for anti-nausea meds and other medications to settle his stomach, plus IV fluids. It was a really hard time for all of us because we were away from each other.

I was very grateful to Embrace Pet Insurance. I knew that he would be covered, and filing the claims is hassle-free. We sent it in and we got our money back in a couple days. Having Embrace Pet Insurance gives us a peace of mind that our best friend will always be taken care of."

Boeing's Claim Refund

Claim Details


Actual Vet Bill


Covered Charges




Total Embrace Reimbursement


Boeing has a $200 annual deductible that was met with a prior claim.

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