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Pet Insurance Claims Stories - Illness & Disease Claim StoriesChevron Right
Feline Diabetes

Tey Tey's Story

This tabby cat named Tey Tey is looking all mad after her owner brought her to the vet in suspection of feline diabetes.

Tey Tey had excessive thirst and hunger.

Vet Bill: $4,131


Tey-Tey's owner, Lark, became concerned about her health when Tey-Tey began eating and drinking excessively. The kitty also began having an excessive production of urine with occasional bathroom accidents. Tey-Tey was also very thin and had lost seven pounds. Testing diagnosed Tey-Tey with diabetes mellitus, and she began insulin therapy. Over the course of the first policy term, Lark submitted 13 claims to Embrace for diabetes testing, insulin supplies, and monitoring. Total claims for the policy term totaled nearly $3,500.

Tey-Tey's Claim Refund

Claim Details


Actual Vet Bill


Covered Charges


Annual Deductible




Total Embrace Reimbursement


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