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Pet Insurance Claims Stories - Illness & Disease Claim StoriesChevron Right

Dexter's Story

This adorable black Dachshund dog named Dexter has been diagnosed with gallstones.

Vet Bill: $6,411


Knowing that certain dog breeds are prone to issues as they age, Karalee M. and her husband decided to get Embrace Pet Insurance for their Dachshund, Dexter. What they thought was some simple tummy trouble turned into an expensive ordeal. Karalee shared her experience with Embrace.

"My husband and I have been a part of the Embrace family since 2015. Pet insurance was something that we always thought about but we decided to take the plunge after I saw my friend really struggle financially when one of her cats had an emergency.

One day, Dexter started to develop gastrointestinal issues. For the longest time, we believed he just had a sensitive stomach that caused episodes of vomiting every now and then. Embrace was always there to cover the claims.

At the end of March 2020, Dexter had another one of his vomiting episodes. But this dog mom had a gut feeling that this time was different. It took two vet appointments to find that Dexter actually had gallstones and was beginning to form a mucocele.

Unfortunately, we lost a Dachshund before to gallbladder issues. We knew the stakes were high, and after consulting with the surgeon, knew that removing his gallbladder was his best chance at longevity and better quality of life.

Embrace turned a very upsetting and stressful time into a comforting one. Anytime I called, they answered all of my questions and even suggested that I do a pre-certification to make sure that the surgery would be covered.

Every single time I called and apologized for all of the questions I had, each representative told me there was no need to apologize, and that they understood where I was coming from because they are all pet parents themselves.

Having the comfort and support of your pet insurance really does make a difference and really lets us know they're here and they care! Dexter had his surgery and recovered wonderfully! At almost two weeks post op he was wondering when he could take the cone of shame off (lol)!

Embrace has always been phenomenal to work with and has always helped us with the little claims, and the major ones. We are so thankful!"

*Dexter's claims took place over two policy terms, one of which he qualified for the Healthy Pet Deductible.

Dexter's Claim Refund

Claim Details


Actual Vet Bill


Covered Charges


Annual Deductible




Total Embrace Reimbursement


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