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Acute Pancreatitis

Spike's Story

A cute chonky rottweiler posing in a background of flowers has been diagnosed with acute pancreatitis.

Spike the Rottweiler is diagnosed with acute pancreatitis.

Vet Bill: $2,074


Three year-old Spike was taken to the emergency vet after about twelve hours of severe diarrhea and vomiting. At first, it seemed that he might have swallowed part of a tennis ball, or ingested a large piece of rawhide. The emergency veterinarian immediately recognized that he was extremely dehydrated and admitted him immediately so that he could receive IV fluids and monitoring. X-rays were done to rule out an obstruction or ulceration. Pain relievers and antibiotics helped to alleviate Spike's symptoms. Fortunately, he was released after two days but not before the bills for his stay had reached $2,075.40.

Spike's Claim Refund

Claim Details


Actual Vet Bill


Covered Charges


Annual Deductible




Total Embrace Reimbursement


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