Hazel's Story

A stolen corn cob leads to quite an ordeal for Hazel.
Vet Bill: $1,483
Corn cobs can be extremely dangerous for dogs - especially when they are swallowed whole. Hazel, a 3 year old Greyhound, learned this the hard way when she snagged one after dinner one night.
Hazel's pet parent, Shari S., shares her cautionary tale:
"Early this summer, my husband and I enjoyed the season's first corn cobs. Our three dogs, including Hazel, our newly adopted Greyhound, were nearby.
After we ate and began clearing the table, Hazel quickly stood by my side, snatching the corn cob from my hand. With a quick "gulp," she swallowed the cob whole, torpedoing it right down her throat. My husband and I stared at Hazel, then each other, in disbelief. We laughed when she stared at us for more with a wagging tail.
We didn't think much of it when Hazel vomited the next day. However, when the vomiting continued for the next few days, our concerns grew. We questioned the cob incident.
I called her vet and he recommended Hazel receive an x-ray. Sure enough, while at the vet, with the x-ray slide in front of me, it was unmistakable ... a big "ol corn cob sitting whole in Hazel's stomach.The doctor assured me the corn cob wouldn't digest. He also indicated we were lucky the cob hadn't yet moved to her intestines, where it would further jeopardize her health.
I agreed with the recommendation that she receive an operation to extract the corn cob. Looking down at my wasting Hazel, who had already lost five pounds in nearly as many days, I felt horrible. Her doctor informed me our case was not unique as he performs numerous cob extractions every summer.
Hazel has made a full recovery since her surgery. She has gained back all the weight she lost due to the strict post-operative dietary requirements and the several days of vomiting prior. Her stitch scars are nearly invisible. Since the cob incident, I have spoken with numerous other dog owners who, unknowing of the potential dangers, treat their dogs to corn cobs.
Needless to say, my husband and I are thankful we made the decision to insure the health of our three dogs. We're especially thankful we chose Embrace to underwrite their well-being. It was easy submitting Hazel's cob claim. Additionally, I found their representatives to be communicative, polite, and professional. I would recommend Embrace to any pet owner."
Hazel's Claim Refund
Claim Details | Amount |
Actual Vet Bill | $1,483.35 |
Covered Charges | $1,453.35 |
Annual Deductible | $341.55 |
Copay | $111.18 |
Total Embrace Reimbursement | $1,000.62 |