Kylie's Story

Kylie's run-in with bloat is a close call.
Vet Bill: $2,624
One night Kylie was restless and trying to vomit but was unable to do so. She was rushed to the veterinary ER where X-rays were taken. Her veterinarian diagnosed her quickly with bloat and Kylie was rushed into surgery. She received a gastropexy (also known as stomach stapling) and remained hospitalized for the next four days. Fortunately Kylie's bloat was caught early enough and she made a full recovery.
Kylie's dad, Michael, said:
"You were amazing during such a horrible time and I still am thankful for you every time I look at her!"
Kylie's Claim Refund
Claim Details | Amount |
Actual Vet Bill | $2,623.64 |
Covered Charges | $2,433.77 |
Annual Deductible | $100.00 |
Copay | $232.48 |
Total Embrace Reimbursement | $2,092.29 |